Re: Majordomo SECURITY problem and fix

Brent Chapman (brent@GreatCircle.COM)
Wed, 08 Jun 1994 08:15:28 -0700

Dan Simoes <> writes:

# > Knowing that the bugtraq list used Majordomo, I asked about the
# > security problem on the majordomo-users mailing list.  I was forwarded
# > a copy of an announcement that was sent to the majordomo-workers list.
# > 
# > I'm not real pleased that I had to actively search for this...
# I think the reasoning was that people on the -users list might
# try to exploit it, whereas people on the -workers list are
# trying to plug it; just a guess though.

No, we wanted the folks on Majordomo-Workers to test the patch to make
sure there were no problems with it, before we publicized it widely
(which we just did, in postings to Majordomo-Users, Majordomo-Announce,
Bugtraq, and owner-majordomo at every site we know of that uses Majordomo).

Brent Chapman         | Great Circle Associates  | Call or email for info about
Brent@GreatCircle.COM | 1057 West Dana Street    | upcoming Internet Security 
+1 415 962 0841       | Mountain View, CA  94041 | Firewalls Tutorial dates